Carpal Tunnel


Similar to how the bones in your spine can pinch nerves in your back, the bones in your wrist can also compress nearby nerves, leading to the symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. While numerous individuals opt for surgical interventions, chiropractors have achieved remarkable success with chiropractic treatments, which include non-invasive methods involving adjustments to the wrist bones.

Considering that surgical procedures can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $11,000, and rarely offer complete symptom relief, many individuals are now opting for a more conservative approach to their care. If you’re uncertain about the best course of treatment, this brief article will provide you with general information regarding the various options available for individuals experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Chiropractic Treatments For Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel


Individuals who experience wrist pain often have limited awareness of the actual sensation associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Typically, when the median nerve undergoes compression due to wrist swelling and misalignment of the bones, individuals have reported sensations of burning pain, tingling, or swelling that extends from the first to the third digit and includes the thumb. It is not uncommon for patients to notice recent weakness throughout the affected hand. Some individuals have even described a perceived swelling in their hand due to compression of the median nerve, even in the absence of actual swelling.

Determining the precise cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is often challenging, although some patients can recall a wrist injury that coincided with the development of symptoms. Certain occupations, particularly those involving prolonged use of vibrating instruments and repetitive hand and wrist movements, have been identified as contributing factors. Additionally, metabolic disorders involving the pituitary and thyroid glands can also play a role in its development.

It typically begins in the dominant hand, but it is not uncommon for symptoms to occur in both hands. It is nearly three times more prevalent in women than in men. Many healthcare professionals primarily focus on pain management rather than addressing the root cause of the problem. Research has indicated that patients experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms often have nerve irritation originating from the spine, which explains why decompression surgeries are unsuccessful approximately 40% of the time.

If you have any inquiries about our location in Fort Lauderdale or would like to gain further knowledge about chiropractic care at Ocean Health Center, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Determining the most suitable treatment for your carpal tunnel syndrome depends largely on the underlying cause. Like many other conditions, it is recommended that patients initially explore non-invasive and cost-effective treatments, such as spinal adjustments. Many patients have reported significant improvements in their symptoms after receiving spinal corrections, unlike those who rely on prescription medications or undergo decompression surgeries. These individuals often find that their symptoms return after a short period of time.

A chiropractor should perform an evaluation of your condition and formulate an individualized treatment plan that best suits you. If symptoms persist, adjustments to the bones of the wrist and therapies to the surrounding tissues are often considered.

We understand that making decisions about how to treat carpal tunnel syndrome can be confusing. Contact Ocean Health Center today for more information about carpal tunnel or to schedule a consultation.